Sep 17, 2011

Relationship and feeling~

biasa x dgr ayat nie???

"Just because the relationship is over...Doesnt means the feeling already gone..."

nick rase nk share sumthing sikit...

dari pengalaman nick sendiri la kan...sumthing yg kite pggl perasaan ni akan kekal lama bile u love them for 110%...berape lama tu bergantung kepada berapa pantas he/she can move on

in my case...a year and half is soo not enough (pfft~) I need all the time and space for me to find...erm maybe to rebuilt my self back...for the next person that may come...klu tu la takdirnya...

Some of them once said...walaupun dh lama korang x jmpe dia...but when u see him/her...there will always this feeling...the feeling of what should we do???klau mnde tu dh x seindah dulu...they say...why u even bother to hurt ur self to say hello or to look at his/her face for another second???why dont u look away...and mereka yg bergelar manusia yg lengkap berotak lagi berakal...pasti akan memahami that sum scar might bleed if u dont do that...there is no point of reminiscing ur fuckery past...coz it might cut u deeper...than before...

kalau korang still berharap...the best way to greet that feeling is by killing it...if he/she really want u...really trust u...that freaking "distance" wont exist...

korang pon stuju kan that relationship is based on trust...and honest...effort...tolerate...give,take,n reply...and other things la...if that things dh xde pada diri korang or dia...than that relationship is no longer needed...

peace no war~

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